How to navigate an intercultural working environment.

Mercy Thomas Ndunguru
3 min readJan 19, 2024


My Growth — My NOREC Effect

Hi there, today we just wrapped up the NOREC program in Nairobi, Kenya.

This year, through collaboration between MTI Investment Tanzania, TechbridgeInvest, University of AGDER, and NOREC, I had the privilege of participating in the NOREC exchange program. NOREC, short for the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation, is an initiative fostering exchanges between organizations in Norway and various countries. It has been an exciting experiences and growth that lie ahead in this new chapter.

Techbridge Invest Team during NOREC program.

NOREC program focuses on reciprocal exchanges, allowing individuals from different organizations to work in each other’s countries, contributing to mutual learning and collaboration.

The program aims to strengthen global partnerships, enhance cultural understanding, and foster collaboration in various fields, including innovation, development, and other areas of expertise.

Working in the intercultural environment is not an easy feat. And today I’m sharing my tips for a successful stay while working away from my home country;

  1. I strive to minimize judgment, recognizing that there's much I may not know behind people's smiles.
  2. Just as I've been given opportunities, I extend the same kindness and care to others.
  3. Each experience is a lesson; I've learned about personal space and the importance of making meaningful impressions. If I have nothing to say, I choose silence.
  4. Recognizing the abundance of knowledge and skills globally, it’s important to share whatever skills and knowledge we have, I believe in the power of exchanging them for greater impact rather than holding them back

5. Partnerships and relationships; during the NOREC program I have learned about creating important relationships with like minded people and creating new pipelines of opportunities.

6. Adjusting to a new culture; language is one among the most crucial elements of culture, the more I show curiosity to learn the new language, the easier it is for natives to familiarize with us.

7. Planning ahead has become a key lesson for me during the program, emphasizing the need to be proactive and plan ahead. Given the potential cultural shocks and exposure, proactive planning for essentials like budget and medicine is necessary.

8. Stay mindful of the exchange rate; Remember to check the exchange rate. I learned it’s smart to change half of my money, this way, I can use cash for some things I might need. This will also depend on the country and the use of mobile money.

9. Feeling homesick and taking care of my mental health is crucial. Talking to family regularly and choosing a few friends who I can open up to about my worries can be more helpful.

Thank you and see you next time.




Mercy Thomas Ndunguru

Venture Analyst - MTI Investment | Learning by Doing Enthusiast